XML Templates and Web Services Description Language

Certain Oracle CRM On Demand features have elements that might be required, might require a default value, or might be optional. Understanding how these elements are categorized helps you understand how to read and comprehend the information in an XML template. This topic helps you to determine which elements are required for migrating configuration data.

To understand the elements, you must download the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) for each feature that you want, and scan through each WSDL. After downloading the WSDL to your computer, view the content with an editor (for example, Notepad). As you scan the WSDL, take note of the elements with defined minOccurs and maxOccurs values. For more information about downloading WSDLs, see Downloading Administrative Web Services WSDLs from Oracle CRM On Demand.

The minOccurs value and maxOccurs value are attributes of the <xsd:element> element in the XSD schema language. These attributes determine whether the element defined by <xsd:element> in a WSDL file is optional, and how many times the element can occur in an XML file. For example, the following entry in a WSDL file indicates that the <Name> element is required.

<xsd:element name="Name" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" type="apData:string100" />

The following table describes the values for minOccurs and maxOccurs.

Table min Occurs and max Occurs Values

minOccurs maxOccurs Description



The element is not required. If it is included, then a maximum of one entry can exist.



The element is not required. If it is included, then it can exist multiple times.



The element is required, but it exists only once.



The element is required, but it can exist multiple times.