Client Side Extensions

Client side extensions are files that you can upload to and host on Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client instead of hosting them on other servers. The following table describes the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands used with client side extensions. These commands are case sensitive.

Table Commands Used with Client Side Extensions in Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

Command Description

Read ClientSideExtension ClientSideExtensionName

This command exports a single client side extension. ClientSideExtensionName is the name of the client side extension.

ReadAll ClientSideExtension

This command exports all of the client side extensions in the Oracle CRM On Demand tenant.

Upsert ClientSideExtension ClientSideExtensionXML

This command updates or inserts the client side extension specified in the XML file.

Oracle CRM On Demand supports the following file types for client side extensions:

  • HTML

  • JPG

  • GIF

  • SWF

  • JavaScript

  • CSS