Elements and Sections in the List XML Output File

The following table describes the elements and sections in the list configuration XML output file.

Table Elements and Sections in the List Configuration XML File

Description Element or Section
The <List> section contains all of the information for a single list.
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<RecordType> contains the system name of the record type for the list.

Note: You cannot change the record type in an existing list.
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<ListName> is the name of the list.

Note: You cannot change the name of an existing list.
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  <data:ListName>Western Region Accounts</data:ListName>
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<ListType> is the type of list. The valid values are: Private, Public, Role Specific.

Note: When a new list is inserted, if the type is not specified, and if the <UserSignInId> element is also not specified, then the list is created as a private list for the currently logged-in user. You cannot change the type of an existing list.
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For private lists only, <UserSignInId> contains the sign-in ID of the user who owns the list.

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<CreatedByAlias> is the alias of the user who created the list. When a new list is inserted, the CreatedByAlias field on the list is always set to the identifier of the currently logged-in user.

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<ModifiedByAlias> is the alias of the user who last modified the list. When a new list is inserted or an existing list is updated, the ModifiedByAlias field on the list is always set to the alias of the currently logged-in user.

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For role-specific lists only, <RoleName> is the name of the role to which the list is applicable.

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  <data:RoleName>Senior Field Services</data:RoleName>
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<CreatedById> is the identifier of the user who created the list. When a new list is inserted, the CreatedByID field on the list is always set to the identifier of the currently logged-in user.

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<ModifiedById> is the identifier of the user who last modified the list. When a new list is inserted or an existing list is updated, the ModifiedById field on the list is always set to the identifier of the currently logged-in user.

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<CreatedDate> is the date and time the list was created.

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  <data:CreatedDate>10/26/2020 10:12:40</data:CreatedDate>
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<ModifiedDate> is the date and time the list was last modified.

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  <data:ModifiedDate>11/10/2021 09:10:15<</data:ModifiedDate>
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<Description> is a description of the list.

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<SearchIn> is the record set from which records are returned. The valid values are:

  • All records I can see

  • All records I own

  • All records where I am on the team

  • All records I or my subordinates own

  • All records where I or my subordinates are on the team

  • My Default Book

In addition to the above values, the <SearchIn> element can specify the name of a book. For Upsert operations, the book must already exist in the target environment.

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  <data:SearchIn>All records I can see</data:SearchIn>
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<CaseInsensitiveFlag> specifies whether fields are case insensitive (true) in the search or case sensitive (false).

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<LanguageCode> is the language code for the currently logged-in user, if the list is a system list. For other lists, <LanguageCode> is the language code in which the list was created. For the list of language codes, see Language Codes and Their Corresponding Language and Country. If a language code is not specified when a new list is inserted, then the language code of the currently logged-in user is used.

Note: You cannot change the language code of an existing list.
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The <ListOfFilterInformation> section contains the filter information for the list.

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The <FilterInfo> section contains the information for one filter.

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<Conjunction> is the operator, And or Or. If a conjunction is not specified when a new list is inserted, then the And conjunction is used.

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<FieldName> is the system name of the field.

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<Condition> is the condition for the filter.

For information about which filter conditions are valid for the various field types, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

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      <data:Condition>Equal to</data:Condition>
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<FilterValue> is the value for the filter.

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<FilterValueAssocId> is the association ID (row ID) for a filter value for association control fields such as Contact Full Name, Account Name, Owner Alias, and so on, where the condition is Equal to.

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The <ListOfSelectedFields> section contains the fields selected for display in the search results.

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The <SelectedFieldInfo> section contains the information for one field.

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<SelectedField> is the system name of the field.

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<SortOrder> is the sort order of a field used for sorting the search results: ASC for ascending or DESC for descending. If the sort order is not specified, then the sort order is ascending by default.

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<SortPosition> is the position of a field within the list of fields used for sorting.

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