Elements and Sections in the Sales Stage XML Output File

The following table describes the elements and sections in the sales stage XML output file.

Note: Sales stages named Closed/Lost and Closed/Won are automatically associated with each sales process. The Probability field on the Closed/Lost sales stage is set to zero (0), and the Probability field on the Closed/Won sales stage is set to 100. You cannot change these values. Do not set up any other sales stage with the Probability field equal to 0 or 100 percent. Modifying picklists that are used internally by the Oracle CRM On Demand application can have an adverse impact on standard functionality.

Table Elements and Sections in the Sales Stage XML File

Description Element or Section

The <SalesStage> section contains all of the information for a single sales stage:

  • <SalesCategoryName> contains the name of the sales category that the sales stage is associated with.

  • <SalesCategoryBaseName> contains the language-independent name of the sales category that the sales stage is associated with.

  • <Probability> contains the default probability for the sales stage.

  • <SalesProcessBaseName> contains the language-independent name of the sales process that the sales stage is associated with.

  • <BaseName> contains the language-independent name of the sales stage.

  • <Name> contains the name of the sales stage.

  • <Description> contains the description of the sales stage.

  • <Order> indicates the sequence of the sales stage as it appears in the picklist.

  • <Status> contains the status of the sales stage.

  • <BaseDescription> contains the language-independent description of the sales stage.

  • <Language> contains the three-letter code for the language.

  • <SalesProcessName> contains the name of the sales process that the sales stage is associated with.

  <data:SalesCategoryName>Leads Category</data:SalesCategoryName>
  <data:SalesCategoryBaseName>Leads Category</data:SalesCategoryBaseName>
  <data:SalesProcessBaseName>High Potential</data:SalesProcessBaseName>
  <data:BaseName>Short List</data:BaseName>
  <data:Name>Short List</data:Name>
  <data:Description>Looking for the Right Characteristics</data:Description>
  <data:BaseDescription>Looking for the Right Characteristics
  <data:SalesProcessName>High Potential</data:SalesProcessName>
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The <ListOfProcessCoach> section contains the details of the process coach steps.

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The <ProcessCoach> section contains the details of a single process coach step:

  • <BaseTitle> contains the language-independent title of the process coach step.

  • <Order> contains the sequence of the process coach step as it appears in the picklist.

  • <BaseDescription> contains the language-independent description of the process coach step.

  • <Language> contains the three-letter code for the language.

  • <Title> contains the title of the process coach step.

  • <Description> contains the description of the process coach step.

  • <StepName> contains the name of the process coach step.

      <data:BaseDescription>Send first letter to the opportunity</data:BaseDescription>
      <data:Description>Send first letter to the opportunity</data:Description>
      <data:StepName>Step 1</data:StepName>
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The <ListOfAutomatedTask> section contains the details of the automated tasks associated with sales stage.

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The <AutomatedTask> element contains the details of a single automated task. There is a child element for each field that is available to be added to a task Detail page, including custom fields. For information about the task fields, see Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide.

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The <ListOfTranslation> section contains the translation values for the sales stage for each language activated for your company.

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The <Translation> section contains the translation of the sales stage for one language:

  • <Description> contains the translated description of the sales stage in the language identified by the language code.

  • <Language> contains the three-letter code for the translation language.

  • <Name> contains the translation of the name of the sales stage in the language identified by the language code.

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The <ListOfProcessCoachTranslation> section contains the translation values for the process coach step for each language activated for your company.

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The <ProcessCoachTranslation> section contains the translation of the process coach step for one language:

  • <Language> contains the three-letter code for the translation language.

  • <Title> contains the title of the process coach step in the language identified by the language code.

  • <Instruction> contains the description of the process coach step in the language identified by the language code.

  • <ProcessCoachName> contains the translation of the name of the process coach step in the language identified by the language code.

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      <data:Title>Short List</data:Title>
      <data:Instruction>Send first letter to the opportunity</data:Instruction>
      <data:ProcessCoachName>Step 1</data:ProcessCoachName>
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The <ListOfAttachment> section contains the details of the attachments associated with sales stage.

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The <Attachment> section contains the details of a single attachment:

  • <AttachmentTag> indicates whether the attachment is a file or a URL.

  • <FileExtension> contains the file extension of the attachment, if the attachment is a file.

  • <DisplayFileName> contains the display name for the attachment.

  • <FileDate> contains the date the file was uploaded, if the attachment is a file.

  • <Description> contains the description of the attachment.

  • <FileSize> contains the size of the file in KB, if the attachment is a file.

  • <FileNameOrURL> contains the name of the file or the URL string.

  • <Attachment> contains the content of the file, if the attachment is a file.
    Note: When you extract sales stage information, the content of any attached files is included in the sales stage XML file, encoded as inline Base64 encoded data. For more information about file attachments, see Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide.
      <data:DisplayFileName>Click here</data:DisplayFileName>
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The <ListOfAutomatedTaskTranslation> section contains the translation values for the automated tasks for each language activated for your company.

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The <AutomatedTaskTranslation> section contains the translation of the process coach step for one language:

  • <Subject> contains the translation of the subject of the task in the language identified by the language code.

  • <Language> contains the three-letter code for the translation language.

  • <TaskExternalSystemId> contains the unique external ID of the task.

  • <TaskIntegrationId> contains the integration ID of the task.

  • <Comments> contains the translation of the description of the task in the language identified by the language code.

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The <ListOfRequiredField> section contains the details of the required fiels for the sales stage.

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The <RequiredField> section contains the details of a single required field:

  • <DefaultValue> contains the default value for the field.

  • <FieldName> contains the name of the field.

  • <TagName> contains the integration tag for the field.

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      <data:DefaultValue>Not specified</data:DefaultValue>
      <data:FieldName>Approver Alias</data:FieldName>
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