Sales Stages

A sales stage is a step in a sales process. The following table describes the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands used with sales stages. These commands are case sensitive.

Table Commands Used with Sales Stages in Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

Command Description

Read SalesStage BaseName [SalesProcessBaseName]

This command exports a single sales stage, if the optional SalesProcessBaseName parameter is specified together with the BaseName parameter. If SalesProcessBaseName is not specified, then multiple sales stages might be exported.

BaseName is the language-independent name of the sales stage. If the language-independent name contains any spaces or special characters, such as brackets, then it must be enclosed with quotation marks.

SalesProcessBaseName is the language-independent name of the sales process that the sales stage is associated with. If the language-independent name contains any spaces or special characters, such as brackets, then it must be enclosed with quotation marks.

The SalesProcessBaseName parameter is optional. However, if you do not specify it, and if there is more than one sales stage with the same name (associated with different sales processes), then all of the sales stages with the specified name are exported. You can use the ReadAll SalesProcess command to extract the language-independent names of the sales processes. For more information, see Migrating Sales Processes.

ReadAll SalesStage

This command exports all sales stages in the Oracle CRM On Demand tenant.

Upsert SalesStage SalesStageXML

This command updates or inserts the sales stage specified in the XML file.