Guidelines for Using the ReportExecute Method Efficiently

The following suggestions can help you use the ReportExecute method more efficiently:

  • Create a folder for storing the download tool, the session cookie files, and the downloaded reports, which means you do not have to specify path names.

  • In the morning, execute all the Analytical (Historical) reports with the Refresh = Y parameter to calculate all the values for those reports. All remaining calls to those reports can use the Refresh = N parameter for faster processing.

  • Create a text file that contains copies of the common commands you use on a regular basis. You can then copy the commands from the text file and paste them on to the command line.

  • In the text file, create one section for all your sign on and session cookie commands and one section for the API calls.

  • Put a text title before each command so you can quickly identify the commands.

The following is a sample text file of commands:

ReportExecute method Commands

=== Sign On/Session Cookie Commands ===

Full Visibility Sign On:

wget  --content-on-error  --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies "cookiefile1.txt" --post-data 
"j_username=repfullvis&j_password=pass1&langCode=ENU" https://secure-servername/OnDemand/authenticate

Supervisor Sign On:

wget  --content-on-error  --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies "cookiefile1.txt" --post-data 
"j_username=repsuper&j_password=pass2&langCode=ENU" https://secure-servername/OnDemand/authenticate

Sales Rep Sign On:

wget  --content-on-error  --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies "cookiefile1.txt" --post-data 
"j_username=repsales&j_password=pass3&langCode=ENU" https://secure-servername/OnDemand/authenticate

=== Report Calls ===

Sales Summary, PDF format:

wget --content-on-error --load-cookie "cookiefile1.txt" --output-document "SalesSummary.pdf" 
ReportPathandName&Format=pdf&Refresh=Y" --max-redirect=100

Sales Summary, Text format with two filters:

wget --content-on-error --load-cookie "cookiefile1.txt" --output-document "SalesSummary.txt" 
Sales.Forecast&P6=10000&Refresh=Y" --max-redirect=100

Output to an Excel spreadsheet:

wget --content-on-error --load-cookie "cookiefile1.txt" --output-document "SalesSummary.xlsx" 
P5=Sales.Forecast&P6=10000&Refresh=Y" --max-redirect=100