Converting Unshared Addresses to Shared Addresses

Release 19 and earlier releases of Oracle CRM On Demand used unshared addresses. To convert unshared addresses from earlier releases to shared addresses, you can follow a procedure that uses the export and import functionality of the Oracle CRM On Demand UI as described in Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

You can also follow a procedure that uses UI export functionality and Web services calls to import data. This involves writing an application to read exported data from a file and then creating the SOAP requests to send to Oracle CRM On Demand. Sample SOAP request are shown in the procedure in this topic. However, it may be more efficient, especially if the conversion is a one-time process, to use the import functionality of the UI rather than Web services calls.

Tip: If the data files are large and the Web services or import operations take longer than you expect, then you can use Oracle Data Loader On Demand with the same input files and mapping files that are defined in the conversion procedure.

Before you begin: It is assumed that Oracle CRM On Demand Customer Care has upgraded your company to the current release. To complete this procedure, you must be a company administrator who can perform import and export operations, Web services calls, and customize Oracle CRM On Demand. You require the Manage Addresses privilege to enable shared address functionality.

Note: When moving to shared addresses from unshared addresses, you must use the Web Services v2.0 API for all Web services requests because the Web Services v1.0 API does not support access to shared addresses.

In the following procedure, the steps are performed in the Oracle CRM On Demand UI unless otherwise stated:

To convert unshared addresses to shared addresses

  1. If it is selected, deselect the Enable Shared Addresses setting in the company profile.

  2. Export the data from the address-related objects that you want to convert to shared addresses.

    The list includes the following items:

    • All account data sections including:

      • Accounts

      • Account Addresses

      • Contacts

      • Account Partners

      • Addresses

    • All contact data sections including:

      • Contacts

      • Contact Addresses

      • Accounts

      • Addresses

    • All dealer data sections including:

      • Dealer

      • Dealer Addresses

    • All partner data sections including:

      • Partner

      • Partner Addresses

    • All address data

    This export operation must export all the relevant account, contact, partner, dealer, and address data from Oracle CRM On Demand to an external file. You must be able to use the external file with the data correction and standardization method that you choose.

  3. Correct and reformat the data so that importing these addresses into Oracle CRM On Demand does not result in duplicate data and so that the account, contact, dealer, and partner data is set up with the associated addresses.

    It is likely that many duplicate and invalid addresses will exist after the export operation. For example, because addresses were not shared in earlier releases, contacts residing at the same location might have identical or similar addresses. However, minor differences might arise because of typing and other errors. For the duplicate addresses that are likely to occur, reimporting the records (for example, accounts) and associating them with newly created shared address records will not delete the preexisting address associations from the earlier release. Consequently, you must do the following:

    • Verify your data and then remove duplicate records when preparing the address data that you want to import.

    • Take ownership of the preexisting unshared address data associated with your account, contact, dealer, and partner records if you decide to associate those records with the shared address version of the address data. That is, you must remove and disassociate, and choose whether to retain the preexisting unshared address data.

    For information on preparing the data for import or use with Web services, see the following topics in Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help:

    • Address Fields: Import Preparation

    • Account Fields: Import Preparation

    • Contact Fields: Import Preparation

    • Dealer Fields: Import Preparation

    • Partner Fields: Import Preparation

  4. Import the address record data by using Web services calls to insert the Address record data into Oracle CRM On Demand.

    Inserting the shared Address top-level record data is a prerequisite for inserting account, contact, dealer, and partner record data. The following is a sample SOAP request for inserting the data:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="no"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" 
    xmlns:xsi=" XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:wsse="http:// 1.0.xsd" 
        <wsse:Password Type=" 1.0#PasswordText">%%PASSWORD%%</wsse:Password>
      <SharedAddressInsert_Input xmlns="urn:crmondemand/ws/ecbs/sharedaddress/">
            <AddressName>LS Address 8</AddressName>
            <PrimaryAddressLine1>30 Prospect Ave</PrimaryAddressLine1>
            <AddressName>LS Address 9</AddressName>
            <PrimaryAddressLine1>100 S Jackson Ave</PrimaryAddressLine1>

    Make sure that you retrieve the Address Ids from the SOAP response for the insert operations.

  5. Import the account record data by using Web services calls to insert the Account-Address record data into Oracle CRM On Demand.

    This insertion associates the shared addresses with the accounts. The following is a sample SOAP request for inserting the data. The <AddressId> values used are those retrieved from the response in the previous step:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="no"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" 
    xmlns:xsi=" XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:wsse="http:// 1.0.xsd" 
        <wsse:Password Type=" 1.0#PasswordText">%%PASSWORD%%</wsse:Password>
      <AccountExecute_Input xmlns="urn:crmondemand/ws/ecbs/account/">
          <Account operation="skipnode">
              <SharedAddress operation="insert">
  6. Import the contact record data by using Web services calls to insert the Contact-Address record data into Oracle CRM On Demand.

    This insertion associates the shared addresses with the contacts. The following is a sample SOAP request for inserting the data:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="no"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" 
    xmlns:xsi=" XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:wsse="http:// 1.0.xsd" 
         <wsse:Password Type=" 1.0#PasswordText">%%PASSWORD%%</wsse:Password>
    <ContactExecute_Input xmlns="urn:crmondemand/ws/ecbs/contact/">
          <Contact operation="skipnode">
             <SharedAddress operation="insert">
  7. Import the dealer record data by using Web services calls to insert the Dealer-Address record data into Oracle CRM On Demand.

    This insertion associates the shared addresses with the dealers. The following is a sample SOAP request for inserting the data:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="no"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" 
    xmlns:xsi=" XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:wsse="http:// 1.0.xsd" 
         <wsse:Password Type=" 1.0#PasswordText">%%PASSWORD%%</wsse:Password>
    <DealerExecute_Input xmlns="urn:crmondemand/ws/ecbs/dealer/">
          <Dealer operation="skipnode">
               <SharedAddress operation="insert">
  8. Import the partner record data by using Web services calls to insert the Partner-Address record data into Oracle CRM On Demand.

    This insertion associates the shared addresses with the partners. The following is a sample SOAP request for inserting the data:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="no"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" 
    xmlns:xsi=" XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:wsse="http:// 1.0.xsd" 
        <wsse:Password Type=" 1.0#PasswordText">%%PASSWORD%%</wsse:Password>
      <PartnerInsert_Input xmlns="urn:crmondemand/ws/ecbs/partner/">
  9. Confirm that the data has been inserted correctly.

  10. Set up the page layouts for the appropriate roles in your company, and assign the appropriate access to the page layouts for the user’s roles.

  11. Update your users’ roles to include access to the Address record type in step 2 of the Role Management wizard.

    If you do not complete this step, then users cannot view address records. For example, if they attempt to associate an address record with an account, then an error message is displayed.

  12. Select the Enable Shared Addresses setting in the company profile to enable shared addresses.

  13. If your company uses applications that are external to Oracle CRM On Demand to mark addresses as valid, and if you want to use only those validated addresses in address picklists, address searches, and address associations, then select the Validate Shared Addresses setting in the company profile.

    Note: The Validation Date in an address record must be set to mark the address as validated. For more information, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.
  14. (Optional) After you have verified that the inserted data is correct, you can delete the preexisting unshared address data by using Web services calls. The following is a sample SOAP request for deleting the unshared address data:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="no"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" 
    xmlns:xsi=" XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:wsse="http:// 1.0.xsd" 
        <wsse:Password Type=" 1.0#PasswordText">%%PASSWORD%%</wsse:Password>
      <AccountExecute_Input xmlns="urn:crmondemand/ws/ecbs/account/">
          <Account operation="skipnode">
              <Address operation="delete">
              <Address operation="delete">