
Updates assignment rule configuration data.


Use the AssignmentRuleUpsert method to insert or update assignment rule data. The Data Rules and Assignment privilege is required.

The apData:AssignmentRule argument contains the following elements specifying the data for the assignment rule:

  • RecordType. The record type: Account, Lead, Opportunity, or Service Request (read-only).

  • RuleGroupName. The name of the rule group (read-only).

  • RuleName. The name of the rule.

  • Order. The order in which the rules are evaluated.

  • AssignTo. The user to whom the record is assigned, if the rule criteria are met.

  • SendEmailNotification. Whether an email notification is sent.

  • AssignToTerritory. For account and opportunity rules only, the territory to which the record is assigned, if the rule criteria are met.

  • IncludeTeamAssignment. For account and opportunity rules only, whether team members are assigned to the account, if the rule criteria are met.

  • IncludeRelatedContacts. For account rules only, whether contacts linked to the account are assigned to the specified account owner and territory if the rule criteria are met.

  • IncludeRelatedOpportunities. For account rules only, whether opportunities linked to the account are assigned to the specified account owner and territory if the rule criteria are met.

  • ListOfTeam. Contains the data for team members assigned to the account or opportunity in the following child elements of <Team>:

    • User. The first and last name of the team member (read-only).

    • Role. The role of the team member (read-only).

    • AccountAccess. The access level for accounts.

    • ContactAccess. The access level for contacts.

    • OpportunityAccess. The access level for opportunities.

  • ListOfRuleCriteria. Contains the rule criteria for the rule in the following child elements of <Rule>:

    • Field. The name of the field to be evaluated.

    • Condition. The condition to satisfy to meet the criterion.

    • Value. The value for the condition.

    • Sequence. The sequence number for the criterion.

You can use the following combinations of fields to identify rules for upsert operations:

  1. <RuleGroupName> + <RecordType> + <RuleName>

  2. <RuleGroupName> + <RecordType> + <Order>

If both of these user key combinations have matches, user key 1 takes priority over user key 2.

To identify teams for upsert operations, the user key is the <User> field in <ListOfTeam>.

To identify rule criteria for upsert operations, the user key is the <Sequence> field in <ListOfRuleCriteria>.

For information about assignment rules, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the AssignmentRuleUpsert method.

Table Arguments Taken by the AssignmentRuleUpsert Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The assignment rule data to be updated or inserted.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status is returned.