Oracle CRM On Demand Pick Maps

An Oracle CRM On Demand pick map allows you to set a foreign key for an object using a different field from the foreign key field.

For example, when updating an account, you might want to set the owner of the account to a specific user. If the UserId of the user is known it can be set in the OwnerId field, which is the foreign key. However, if the UserId is not known, and only the alias of the user is known, that alias can be entered in the Owner field, which is a pick map field. When Oracle CRM On Demand recognizes that the Owner field has been set, it automatically sets the OwnerId field to the UserId for the user.

Pick maps can be used by a number of Oracle CRM On Demand objects to update foreign key references in this way. For each object, a list of pick map fields, and the foreign key fields that they map to, are detailed in Core Parent Objects (Web Services v1.0) and Core Parent Objects (Web Services v2.0).