
Extracts cascading picklist configuration data for an object.


Use the CascadingPicklistRead method to extract the set of cascading picklist data matching the input criteria.

The object is specified with the <ObjectName> child element of apQuery:CascadingPicklistSet. You can also specify a particular parent picklist or related picklist in the query.

The apData:ListOfCascadingPicklistSet output argument can contain any number of CascadingPicklist elements, each of which contains the following data:

  • ParentPicklist. The parent picklist.

  • RelatedPicklist. The related picklist.

  • Description. The description of the cascading picklist.

  • ListOfPicklistValueAssociations. Contains all the associations for a cascading picklist. The associations for a particular picklist are contained in the following elements:

    • ParentPicklistValue A parent picklist value for the cascading picklist.

    • RelatedPicklistValue The related values for the parent picklist. There is one these elements for each related picklist value.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the CascadingPicklistRead method.

Table Arguments Taken by the CascadingPicklistRead Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The cascading picklist query criteria.


Not applicable



The extracted cascading picklist data.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The cascading picklist data for the object is returned.