
Updates cascading picklist configuration data for a company.


Use the CascadingPicklistUpsert method to insert or update a cascading picklist.

The apData:CascadingPicklistSet argument contains the following elements specifying the data for the cascading picklist:

  • ObjectName. The name of the object.

  • ListOfCascadingPicklistSet. Contains any number of CascadingPicklist elements, each of which contains the following data:

    • ParentPicklist. The parent picklist.

    • RelatedPicklist. The related picklist.

    • SharedPicklistFlg. Whether shared picklists are enabled. <SharedPicklistFlg> corresponds to the Enable Shared Cascading Picklist check box in UI, and is applicable only for record types that support sharing picklist values. You can only set SharedPicklistFlg to true if both the ParentPicklist and RelatedPicklist fields are shared fields from the same object and constitute a cascading picklist on that object. For more information, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

    • Description. The description of the cascading picklist.

  • ListOfPicklistValueAssociations. Contains all the associations for the cascading picklist. An associations is contained in the following elements:

    • ParentPicklistValue. A parent picklist value for the cascading picklist.

    • RelatedPicklistValue. The related values for the parent picklist. There is one these elements for each related picklist value.

Update occurs when a cascading picklist already exists with the specified <ParentPicklist> and <RelatedPicklist> values otherwise an Insert occurs.

Upsert fails and an error message is returned if:

  • The specified parent picklist and related picklist are the same.

  • The parent or related picklist references a field that does not exist.

  • The parent or related picklist references a field that is not of type picklist.

  • The related picklist references a parent picklist that is already referenced by another related picklist.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the CascadingPicklistUpsert method.

Table Arguments Taken by the CascadingPicklistUpsert Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The cascading picklist data to be updated or inserted.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status is returned.