
Updates an existing custom Web tab or inserts a new custom Web tab.


Use the CustomWebTabUpsert method to insert a custom Web tab or update an existing custom Web tab.

The apdata:CustomWebTab argument contains the following elements containing custom Web tab data:

  • DisplayName. The name of the custom Web tab (required). When performing an insert operation, this name is used as the display name, if a display name is not provided in the <CustomWebTabTranslation> element.

  • Description. A description of the custom Web tab.

  • Type. The type of custom Web Tab, which can be Dashboard, HTML, Report or URL.

  • HTMLHeadAdditions. The HTML to be added within the <head> element of the custom Web tab. (For type HTML only).

  • WebTabHTML. The HTML to be added within the <body> element of the custom Web tab. (For type HTML only).

  • Url. The URL for the custom Web tab.

  • FrameHeight. The frame height defined for the custom Web tab.

  • FrameWidth. The frame width defined for the custom Web tab.

  • IconName. The filename of the icon used for the custom Web tab.

  • ReportType. Settings for a Report Web tab:

    • ReportPath. The path to the report, which must be located under Shared Folders (required).

    • ReportParameters. The filters that will be applied to the report at runtime. For example: <data:ReportParameters>P0=1&amp;P1=eq&amp;P2="Account"."Account ID"&amp;P3=%%%Row_Id%%%</data:ReportParameters>. The filter syntax is validated when you insert or update. For more information about specifying parameters, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

    • ReportPrompts. Whether any prompts that are configured for the report are displayed at runtime. Corresponds to the Display Report Prompts check box in the UI.

      Note: If the <ReportPrompts> element is set to true, then any filters that are specified in the <ReportParameters> element are ignored at runtime, even if no prompts are defined for the analysis.
    • RefreshLink. Whether the Refresh link that allows users to refresh the report is available at runtime.

    • PrintLink. Whether the Print link that allows users to print the report is available at runtime.

    • ExportLink. Whether the Export link that allows users to download the report is available at runtime.

  • DashboardType. Settings for a Dashboard Web tab:

    • DashboardPath. The path to the dashboard (required). The dashboard must be located directly in the Dashboards folder under Shared Folders and not at a deeper level. This validation is enforced only in the UI and not via Web service Upsert calls.

    • DashboardParameters. The filters that will be applied to the dashboard at runtime. For example: <data:DashboardParameters>P0=1&amp;P1=eq&amp;P2="Account"."Account ID"&amp;P3=%%%Row_Id%%%</data:DashboardParameters>. The filter syntax is validated when you insert or update. For more information about specifying parameters, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

  • ListOfCustomWebTabTranslation. The display names in the languages activated for your company:

    • LanguageCode. The three-letter language code for the language.

    • DisplayName. The display name of the custom Web tab in the language identified by the language code.

See Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide for reference tables about the following:

  • Mappings of three-letter language codes to languages.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the CustomWebTabUpsert method.

Table Arguments Taken by the CustomWebTabUpsert Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The custom Web tab data to be inserted or updated.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status is returned.