Determining Current Usage

The Web Services Operations allotment is measured using a 24-hour rolling window. Current usage is displayed in the Oracle CRM On Demand UI or can be retrieved using the Service Allotment Web service (see Service Allotment). Current usage reflects the usage for the current hour plus the previous 23 hours.

For example, at 9:30 A.M., the current usage window extends from 10 A.M on the previous day, until the end of the current hour (10 A.M. today). All operations usage during this period is added together to calculate a company's current usage.

When the current hour elapses, the 24-hour window shifts, releasing any usage from the first hour of the previous window. For example, if a company has used 1000 operations in the current 24-hour window, 100 of which were used during the first hour, when the current hour elapses, the current usage is reduced to 900 operations.