
Extracts all of the configuration data for a dynamic page layout for an object.


Use the DynamicLayoutRead method to read the dynamic page layout data for an object.

The object is specified with the <ObjectName> child element of <apQuery:DynamicLayoutSet>.

The <sortspecification> child element of apQuery:ListOfDynamicLayout allows you to sort the output from the DynamicLayoutRead method. You can:

  • Sort the dynamic layouts by dynamic layout name.

  • Sort the picklist values within a dynamic layout by picklist value name.

The format for <sortspecification> is:

Name sortorder,Value sortorder

where sortorder can be ASC for sorting in ascending order, or DESC for sorting in descending order. If sortorder is not specified, then the sort order is ascending by default.

If you do not specify Name, or if <sortspecification> has a blank value, then the dynamic layouts are listed in no specific order. If you do not specify Value, or if <sortspecification> has a blank value, then the picklist values for each dynamic layout are listed in no specific order.

See DynamicLayoutUpsert for information about the dynamic page layout data specified in apData:ListOfDynamicLayoutSet.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the DynamicLayoutRead method.

Table Arguments Taken by the DynamicLayoutRead Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The dynamic page layout query criteria.


Not applicable



The extracted dynamic page layout data.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The dynamic page layout data is returned.