
Updates existing field audit data or inserts field audit configuration data for an object.


Use the FieldAuditSetupUpsert method to insert field audit data or update existing field audit data for an object. The Administer Field Audit privilege is required.

The object is specified with the <ObjectName> child element of apData:FieldSet.

The apdata:FieldSet argument contains the following elements containing field audit data:

  • ObjectName. The system name of the object.

  • AuditRecordCreation. Whether the creation of records is tracked.

  • AuditRecordDeletionOrRestore. Whether the deletion or restoration of records is tracked.

  • ListOfFields. The list of available fields for the object.

    • Name. The system name of the field.

    • IsAudited. Whether the field is audited.

See Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide for reference tables about the following:

  • Mappings of object names to the display names for the objects in the Oracle CRM On Demand user interface.

For more information about field audit setup, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the FieldAuditSetupUpsert method.

Table Arguments Taken by the FieldAuditSetupUpsert Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The field audit data to be inserted or updated.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status is returned.