
Returns the display names and XML tags of the fields of a record type or one of its child components.

Objects Supported

GetMapping is supported for all objects accessible through Web Services V1.0 and Web Services 2.0 and all of their child components.


You use the GetMapping method to return the mapping between the display names of all the fields in a particular record type and the XML tags for each field.

If the record type is supported for Web Services v1.0, then the mapping between the display name of the fields and the XML tag name for Web Services v1.0 is returned. This is the case even if the record type is supported for Web Services v2.0 as well.

If the record type is only supported for Web Services v2.0, then the mapping between the display name and the XML tag name for Web Services v2.0 is returned.

GetMapping returns only the mapping for fields that are exposed for both the UI and Web services. If a field is not exposed in the UI, then it is not returned by GetMapping for the record type.

In some cases, the names of objects used in the ObjectName argument differ from the name of the object used in the UI of Oracle CRM On Demand, as shown in Mapping of Display Names.

The GetMapping method works with all Custom Objects. However, you must use a different naming convention for Custom Objects 1-3, compared to Custom Object 4 and higher, where there are no spaces in the object name. SOAP requests must use the following naming convention for object names:

  • Custom Object 1-3. Custom Object 1, Custom Object 2, Custom Object 3

  • Custom Object 4 and higher. CustomObject4...CustomObject14, and so on

For some fields, the DisplayName returned has the value hidden. These fields are available in the WSDL file for the object, but are not available in the Oracle CRM On Demand UI. Examples of fields for which the value hidden is returned include the LanguageCode, LocaleCode, RoleId, and TimeZoneId fields of the User object.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the GetMapping method.

Table Arguments Taken by the Get Mapping Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The name of the record type for which you wish to return a list of mappings.


Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

A list of the display names for fields and their associated XML mappings:

  • LastUpdated. The date the field was last updated.

  • DisplayName. The display name of the field, in the user’s language. For some fields not available in the UI, the value hidden is returned.

  • ElementName. The XML element name for the field.

  • DataType. The field type of the field, for example, Check box, Picklist, and so on.

Sample SOAP Request - GetMapping

The following SOAP request retrieves the display names and XML element names of the fields of the book record type as specified in the <ObjectName> argument:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="
XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:wsse="
secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:xsd="">
            <wsse:Password Type="">%%%PASSWORD%%%</wsse:Password>
      <MappingWS_GetMapping_Input xmlns="urn:crmondemand/ws/mapping/">

Sample SOAP Response

The following response contains the mappings for a number of fields for the book object:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="http://" xmlns:xsd="">
      <ns:MappingWS_GetMapping_Output xmlns:ns="urn:crmondemand/ws/mapping/">
         <ListOfField xmlns="urn:/crmondemand/xml/mappingservice">
               <DisplayName>Can Contain Data</DisplayName>
               <DisplayName>Parent Book</DisplayName>
               <DataType>Text (Long)</DataType>
               <DisplayName>Book Type</DisplayName>
               <DisplayName>Modified: Date</DisplayName>
               <DisplayName>Created: Date</DisplayName>
               <DataType>Text (Long)</DataType>
               <DisplayName>Book Name</DisplayName>
               <DataType>Text (Short)</DataType>