
Updates an existing My Homepage tab Web applet or inserts a new Web applet.


Use the HomeTabCustomWebAppletUpsert method to insert or update an existing My Homepage tab Web applet or custom report.

If the Enable Language Translation Support for Web Applets check box is selected in the company profile, then you can use the <LanguageCode> and <DisplayName> child elements of the <Translation> element to insert or update translations of the Web applet display name in each language for your company.

The apData:HomeTabCustomWebApplet argument contains the following elements containing My Homepage tab Web applet data:

  • DisplayName. The name of the Web applet. Required.

  • DisplayNameCurrentUserLang. The name of the Web applet in the language of the currently logged-in user.

  • Description. A description for the Web applet.

  • Width. The column width of the applet: 1 for Single, 2 for Double.

  • Height. The height of the applet in pixels.

  • FeedType. Settings for an RSS feed applet:

    • URL. The URL that is invoked when the user clicks the hyperlink.

    • OverrideURLFlag. Whether or not the user can override the URL.

    • TargetWindow. The window in which the Web applet opens: Current Window or New Window.

  • HTMLType. Settings for an HTML Web applet:

    • HTMLHeader. HTML code used in an <iframe> element within the HTML header of the page to which you add the Web applet.

    • HTMLBody. HTML code used in an <iframe> element within the HTML body of the page to which you add the Web applet.

  • URLType. Settings for a URL Web applet:

    • URL. The URL that is invoked when the user clicks the hyperlink.

  • ReportType. Settings for a custom report.

    • ReportPath. The path to the report, which must be located under Shared Folders (required).

    • ReportFlag. Whether the report will run automatically, and users will not have to click a link to update the report. This is applicable only for My Homepage custom reports, and not for global applets.

    • ReportPrompts. Whether any prompts that are configured for the report are displayed at runtime. Corresponds to the Display Report Prompts check box in the UI.

    • RefreshLink. Whether the Refresh link that allows users to refresh the report is available at runtime.

    • PrintLink. Whether the Print link that allows users to print the report is available at runtime.

    • ExportLink. Whether the Export link that allows users to download the report is available at runtime.

  • WebAppletReportType. Settings for a Report Web applet.

    • ReportPath. The path to the report, which must be located under Shared Folders (required).

    • ReportParameters. The filters that will be applied to the report at runtime. For example: <data:ReportParameters>P0=1&amp;P1=eq&amp;P2="Account"."Account ID"&amp;P3=%%%Row_Id%%%</data:ReportParameters>. The filter syntax is validated when you insert or update. For more information about specifying parameters, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

    • ReportPrompts. Whether any prompts that are configured for the report are displayed at runtime. Corresponds to the Display Report Prompts check box in the UI.

      Note: If the <ReportPrompts> element is set to true, then any filters that are specified in the <ReportParameters> element are ignored at runtime, even if no prompts are defined for the analysis.
    • RefreshLink. Whether the Refresh link that allows users to refresh the report is available at runtime.

    • PrintLink. Whether the Print link that allows users to print the report is available at runtime.

    • ExportLink. Whether the Export link that allows users to download the report is available at runtime.

  • DashboardType. Settings for a Dashboard Web applet.

    • DashboardPath. The path to the dashboard (required). The dashboard must be located directly in the Dashboards folder under Shared Folders and not at a deeper level. This validation is enforced only in the UI and not via Web service Upsert calls.

    • DashboardParameters. The filters that will be applied to the dashboard at runtime. For example: <data:DashboardParameters>P0=1&amp;P1=eq&amp;P2="Account"."Account ID"&amp;P3=%%%Row_Id%%%</data:DashboardParameters>. The filter syntax is validated when you insert or update. For more information about specifying parameters, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

  • ListOfTranslation. The display names in the languages activated for your company:

    • LanguageCode. The three-letter language code for the language.

    • DisplayName. The display name of the custom Web applet in the language identified by the language code.

See Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide for reference tables about the following:

  • Mappings of three-letter language codes to languages.

See Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help for more information about creating Web applets and custom reports.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the HomeTabCustomWebAppletUpsert method.

Table Arguments Taken by the HomeTabCustomWebAppletUpsert Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The Web applet data to be inserted or updated.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status is returned.