
Extracts all of the homepage layout configuration data for a company.


Use the HomepageLayoutReadAll method to read all of the custom homepage layouts.

The input argument <SortSpecification> allows you to sort the output from the HomepageLayoutReadAll method. You can:

  • Sort the homepage layouts by object name and layout name.

  • Sort the sections within the lists of available sections and the lists of selected sections by section name or section layout name.

To sort the homepage layouts, the format for the <SortSpecification> argument is as follows:

fieldname sortorder, fieldname sortorder


  • fieldname is the sort field, and is one of the following:

    • ObjectName

    • LayoutName

  • sortorder can be Asc, ASC, Ascending, or ascending, for sorting in ascending order, or Desc, DESC, Descending, or descending, for sorting in descending order. If sortorder is not specified, then the sort order is ascending by default.

For example, the following specifies that the homepage layouts are to be sorted by object name in descending order, and then the layouts for each object are to be sorted by layout name in ascending order:

ObjectName DESC, LayoutName ASC

If you do not specify either ObjectName or LayoutName, or if <SortSpecification> has a blank value or is not included, then the output is listed in no specific order.

To sort the sections in the lists of sections, the format for the <SortSpecification> argument is as follows:

sectiontype.fieldnamesortorder, sectiontype.fieldnamesortorder


  • sectiontype is the type of section (available or selected) that you want to sort. The valid values are:

    • AvailableSection

    • SelectedSection

  • fieldname is the sort field, and is one of the following:

    • SectionName

    • SectionLayoutName

  • sortorder can be Asc, ASC, Ascending, or ascending, for sorting in ascending order, or Desc, DESC, Descending, or descending, for sorting in descending order. If sortorder is not specified, then the sort order is ascending by default.

For example, the following specifies that the sections in the lists of available sections are to be sorted by section layout name in descending order, and the sections in the lists of selected sections are to be sorted by section name in descending order:

AvailableSection.SectionLayoutName DESC, SelectedSection.SectionName DESC

If you do not specify AvailableSection, then the available sections are listed in no specific order. Similarly, if you do not specify SelectedSection, then the selected sections are listed in no specific order. If <SortSpecification> has a blank value or is not included, then the available and selected sections are listed in no specific order.

See HomepageLayoutUpsert for information about the homepage layout data specified in apData:ListOfHomepageLayout.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the HomepageLayoutReadAll method.

Table Arguments Taken by the HomepageLayoutReadAll Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


A sort specfication.





The extracted data for all homepage layouts.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The homepage layouts are returned.