
Updates existing integration event queue data or inserts new queue data.


Use the IntegrationEventQueueUpsert method to insert or update integration event queue configuration data. The Manage Company privilege is required.

You can use the IntegrationEventQueueUpsert method to clear transactions from an integration event queue. You can clear all transactions from the queue by specifying the value true for the <ClearAllTransactions> element, or you can clear older transactions from the queue by specifying a date value in the <ClearFromDate> element. The upsert operation then clears all of the transactions that occurred before that date from the queue.

The apdata:IntegrationEventQueue argument contains the following elements containing integration event queue data:

  • QueueName. The name of the queue (required).

  • Description. A description of the usage of the queue.

  • Disabled. Whether the queue is disabled.

  • Created. The username and time and date for the user who created the queue (read-only).

  • Modified. The username and time and date for the user who last updated the queue (read-only).

  • FileLimit. The total number of events that the company can store for all queues. If the size of the existing queues matches this number, then you cannot create a new queue. This element is read-only and is ignored for upsert requests.

  • UnassignedQueueCapacity. The available size of queue. This element is read-only and is ignored for upsert requests.

  • QueueSize. The size of the queue. This size cannot exceed the <UnassignedQueueCapacity> value. Required for insert operations.

  • NumberOfTransactions. The number of transactions in the queue. This element is read-only and is ignored for upsert requests.

  • ClearAllTransactions. Whether all transactions in the queue should be deleted.

  • ClearFromDate. A date and time for which all transactions older than the specified date should be deleted. This must be specified in the xsd:dateTime format.

  • NotificationEmailAddress. An email address to which a warning email is to be sent when the queue is full or when the queue reaches a certain size, as specified in <WarningMailQueueSize>.

  • WarningMailQueueSize. The size that the queue is allowed to reach before a warning email is sent to the address specified in <NotificationEmailAddress>.

  • TimeZone. A value that specifies how the <Created> and <Modified> values are recorded in the integration events that are created using the Web Services v1.0 Schema and written to this queue.

    • UTC. If this value is specified, then the date and time in the GMT time zone are recorded, in the following format:


      For example, 06/12/2017 09:44:15, which corresponds to June 12th 2017, 9:44:15 GMT.

    • UTC Format. If this value is specified, then the date and time in the GMT time zone are recorded, in the xsd:dateTime format specified by the W3C standard for Coordinated Universal Time (UCT), as follows:


      For example, 2017-06-12T09:44:15Z, which corresponds to June 12th 2017, 9:44:15 GMT.

    • User Time Zone. If this value is specified, then the date and time in the time zone of the user who updated the record are recorded, in the following format:


      This value is the default.

    Note: You set the <TimeZone> field for the default queue only. All other queues inherit the setting that is selected for the company's default queue. The <TimeZone> field is returned for all queues, but it is read-only for queues other than the default queue.
  • PicklistFormat. The format for recording picklist field values in the integration events, as follows:

    • If you want the values to be recorded as language-independent code (LIC) values, then specify Language Independent Values.

    • If you want the values to be recorded in the language of the user whose action causes the integration event to be created, then specify User Language.

      This element is required for insert operations, and read-only for update operations.

  • W3CFormat. The format in which the field values are recorded in the integration events that are created using the Web Services v2.0 Schema and written to this queue, as follows:

    • If the <W3CFormat> element is set to true, then the values in all fields are recorded in the format specified by the W3C for Web Services v2.0 Schema integration events.

    • If the <W3CFormat> element is set to false, then the values in Date and Boolean field types are recorded in the format that was used in releases earlier than Release 41 of Oracle CRM On Demand. The values in all other fields are recorded in the format specified by the W3C for Web Services v2.0 Schema integration events.

    Note: If you set the <W3CFormat> element to true when inserting or updating the integration event queue data, then after the queue is created or updated, the <W3CFormat> field becomes read-only and it cannot be changed.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the IntegrationEventQueueUpsert method.

Table Arguments Taken by the IntegrationEventQueueUpsert Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The integration event queue data to be inserted or updated.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status is returned.