
Extracts all of the section data for detail page layouts for a company.


Use the PageLayoutSectionReadAll method to read all of the section data for detail page layouts.

If the input argument <CurrentUserOnly> is true, all of the related information data for the current user only is returned.

If the input argument <IncludeAll> specifies true, the method returns all configuration data, including preconfigured and customized data. If <IncludeAll> specifies false, or is not included in the request, the method returns customized configuration data only.

See PageLayoutSectionUpsert for information about the page layout section data specified in apData:PageLayoutFormSection.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the PageLayoutSectionReadAll method.

Table Arguments Taken by the PageLayoutSectionReadAll Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The extracted page layout section data.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The page layout section data is returned.