
Provides an SSO token to a Web services client.


Use the SSOTokenRead method to request an SSO token that can be passed to the authentication servlet of Oracle CRM On Demand’s Web application server to create an interactive session.

As an example of usage, the SSO Token service can provide a token that Web service applications use to create a session on the interactive server, and then request analytics reports or capture screen HTML. Requesting a token in this way is more secure than storing tokens in memory for entire sessions, and more convenient than prompting the user to re-enter credentials when making a UI request. For better performance, Web service applications should explicitly log off interactive sessions when they are done with them.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the SSOTokenRead method.

Table Arguments Taken by the SSOToken Read Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The SSO token query.


Not applicable



The extracted SSO token.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The SSO token is returned.