
Updates an existing sales assessment template or inserts a new sales assessment template.


Use the SalesAssessmentTemplateUpsert method to insert a sales assessment template or update an existing sales assessment template.

The apdata:SalesAssessmentTemplate argument contains the following elements containing sales assessment template data:

  • Name. The name for the sales assessment template (required).

  • Active. Whether the sales assessment template is active.

  • Filter. The filters used to identify which assessment script is the appropriate one to present to a user for a task.

  • Description. A description for the sales assessment template.

  • FieldtoMapScoreTo. The field that displays the score in the parent record.

  • ResponseControl. The control used for adding responses to assessment questions. Possible values are: Drop Down, Radio Button.

  • FieldtoMapOutcomeValueTo. The field that displays the outcome value in the parent record.

  • RemoveCommentBox. Whether the comment box is removed when the user is completing the assessment.

  • OutcomeValueIfThresholdMet. The outcome value to display if the threshold score is met.

  • OutcomeValueIfThresholdNotMet. The outcome value to display if the threshold score is not met.

  • ThresholdScore. The score used to calculate the outcome of the script. If the score is equal to or higher than the threshold, the outcome is met.

  • Type. The type of assessment script (required). Possible values are:

    • Activity Assessment

    • Account Survey

    • Business Plan Assessment

    • Contact Script

    • Lead Qualification

    • Objective Assessment

    • Opportunity Assessment

    • Service Request - Script

    • Service Request - Survey

  • ListOfSalesAssessmentTemplateAttribute. The attributes for the sales assessment template. The following are child elements of the SalesAssessmentTemplateAttributeData element:

    • Question. A question to be answered by the user (required).

    • CriteriaName. A descriptive name for the question (required).

    • AnswerMapToField. The field on the parent record for displaying the answer to the question.

    • Order. The position in the sequence of the questions presented to the user.

    • Weight. A percentage value indicating the importance of the question. The sum of the weights for all questions must equal 100 (required).

    • ListOfSalesAssessmentTemplateAttributeValue. The attribute values of the sales assessment template. The following are child elements of the element SalesAssessmentAttributeValueData:

      • Order. The position in the sequence of the answers presented to the user when completing the assessment.

      • Answer. An answer for the question (required).

      • Score. The score for the answer (required).


The following table describes the arguments taken by the SalesAssessmentTemplateUpsert method.

Table Arguments Taken by the SalesAssessmentTemplateUpsert Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The sales assessment template data to be inserted or updated.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status is returned.