
Executes a query against the list of Web Services utilization, and returns a subset of the records that match the search criteria set by the method arguments.


You use the UserUsageQueryPage method to query the details of your company's Web services utilization. This is the same data that you can view on the Web Services Utilization page in the Oracle CRM On Demand application. As an example of how you might use this data, you might save the data in a CSV file and then import it into a spreadsheet. You could then use the spreadsheet to generate a report showing, for example, how often a user updates his or her records.

In the input request, if you supply a value for UserId in the ListOfUserUsage argument, the method returns the utilization records for the specified user. If you do not have Administrator privileges, you can only specify your own user ID.

If you do not supply a value for UserId in the input request, the method returns:

  • The utilization records for the current user, if you do not have Administrator privileges.

  • The utilization records for the whole company, if you do have Administrator privileges.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the UserUsageQueryPage method.

Table Arguments Taken by the UserUsageQueryPage Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The list of Web service utilization queried (input), and after query execution, the list of Web service utilization returned (output).


Not applicable



The maximum number of records displayed on a page following a query.





Indicates the row from which the method starts to return records.





A value that indicates whether or not the last value in the query set has been returned.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The following information is returned for each usage record.

A list of Web service utilization. The following are the child elements of ListOfUserUsage:

  • SessionId. The session identifier of the Web service request.

  • UserAlias. The user alias of the user who executed the Web service request.

  • UserId. The user ID of the user who executed the Web service request.

  • WebServiceName. The name of the Web service to which the request was made.

  • WebServiceNameSpace. The namespace used in the request.

  • Operation. The operation for the Web service request.

  • StartTime. The start time of the Web service request.

  • EndTime. The end time of the Web service request.

  • EntryType. The entry type for the Web service request.

  • InputMessageSize. The size of the input message.

  • OutputMessageSize. The size of the output message.

  • ErrorMsg. Any error message associated with the Web service request.

  • ClientName. The name of the client that made the Web service request. This is the <ClientName> parameter from the SOAP header in Web service requests.

  • ClientType. The user agent value for the Web service request. For client integrations other than Oracle client integrations, this value defaults to WS.

Sample SOAP Request - UserUsageQueryPage

The following SOAP request returns the list of Web services utilization records. It also demonstrates the use of the optional <PageSize> and <StartRowNum> arguments to return only five records starting at row 2 (third record).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="
XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:wsse="
secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:xsd="">
            <wsse:Password Type="">%%%PASSWORD%%%</wsse:Password>
      <UserUsageWS_UserUsageQueryPage_Input xmlns="urn:crmondemand/ws/userusage/">
               <SessionId />
               <UserAlias />
               <UserId />
               <WebServiceName />
               <WebServiceNameSpace />
               <Operation />
               <StartTime />
               <EndTime />
               <EntryType />
               <InputMessageSize />
               <OutputMessageSize />
               <ErrorMsg />
               <ClientName />
               <ClientType />

Sample SOAP Response

The following illustrates the SOAP response. For brevity, a number of <UserUsage> elements are omitted as indicated by the ellipses (...).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="http://" xmlns:xsd="">
      <ns:UserUsageWS_UserUsageQueryPage_Output xmlns:ns="urn:crmondemand/ws/userusage/">
         <ListOfUserUsage xmlns="urn:/crmondemand/xml/userusage">
               <UserAlias>Joanne Brown</UserAlias>
               <StartTime>08/02/2011 13:53:00</StartTime>
               <EndTime>08/02/2011 13:53:00</EndTime>
               <UserAlias>Joanne Brown</UserAlias>
               <StartTime>08/02/2011 14:38:15</StartTime>
               <EndTime>08/02/2011 14:38:15</EndTime>