Web Services On Demand Limiters

The Web Services interface resources of Oracle CRM On Demand can be shared by multiple organizations. Oracle CRM On Demand provides a limiting infrastructure to make sure that some users do not consume a disproportionate share of those resources. These limiters constrain customer organizations’ use of server-side resources to equitably share available resources among users and to minimize the possibility of denial-of-service incidents.

The following table summarizes the limiters, their default values, units, and error messages. For more information, contact Customer Care.

In addition to the limiters described in this appendix, there are a number of service allotments that promote the equitable use of resources. For more information, see About Service Allotments. Further information about the Web Services Request Rate limiter is provided in Web Services Request Rate.

Table Web Services On Demand Limiters

Limiter Name Description DefaultValue Units Error Message

Session limit quota

Maximum number of concurrent sessions for a company



Not applicable

Lifetime of Audit records

Maximum number of days Web services utilization records are saved.

Records older than 30 days are purged.



Not applicable

Web Service Request Rate

Number of Web service messages that can be sent in one second



The maximum rate of requests was exceeded. Please try again in {0} ms.

Web Service Request Size

Maximum size, in kilobytes, of a Web services request.



Request exceeded the size limit of {0} KB.

Web Service Session Inactivity Time Limit

How long, in seconds, that a Web services session can remain idle before being closed.



Internal Error: Session is not available. Aborting.

Maximum Records Returned

For return messages the maximum number of records returned for each query.

A response never returns more than the specified number of records for a parent object in a request.


(fixed maximum value)


PageSize method argument cannot be greater than 100, specified by the server parameter ‘MaximumPageSize’.

Maximum Objects in a Web Services Request

The maximum number of objects that can be sent in a single SOAP request.


(fixed maximum value)


Requests containing more than 20 objects are not allowed.