Web Services v1.0

For the Web Services v1.0 API, all fields in Web services On Demand are transmitted and received as strings. It is the client’s responsibility to cast these to and from the required data type in any application. The proper type can usually be determined from the name, purpose, or application of the field. There is no dynamic method for determining field types. You can derive clues about a field’s type from its name as follows:

  • A name ending in the suffix Id is usually a key field, such as a primary key, foreign key, or user key Id. It can usually be treated as a unique text string.

  • Fields with names containing Date or Time, such as LastUpdated, DueDate, StartTime, or EndTime might be date fields.

  • Telephone number fields can be treated as numeric phone numbers or as plain text. When performing queries on phone number type fields the following formats must be used in Query operations:

    • U.S. Format: +1 872 5550199

    • France: +33 01 40359564

    • Japan: +81 3 54579623

  • Other numeric fields, such as currency, size, revenue, or probability can be treated as integer, floating point, or text fields depending on the client application.

  • Boolean fields have the value Y for true or N for false.

  • Most other fields can be treated as ordinary text.

Note: If you attempt to query a field of type Date with syntax like <CloseDate>&gt;'01/01/2004 00:00:00'</CloseDate> you get an error, because the time parameter 00:00:00 is only valid for fields of type Date/Time and not for fields of type Date.