
Deletes workflow rule configuration data.


Use the WorkflowRuleSetDelete method to delete workflow rules and the associated workflow action configuration data. The Manage Workflow Rules privilege is required.

You can delete workflow rule sets by specifying values for the <RecordType>, <TriggerEvent>, and <ParentRecordType> child elements of apQuery:WorkflowRuleSet. You can specify the following combinations of elements:

  • <WorkflowName>

  • <WorkflowName> and <RecordType>

  • <WorkflowName> and <TriggerEvent>

  • <WorkflowName> and <RecordType> and <TriggerEvent>

  • <WorkflowName> and <RecordType> and <TriggerEvent> and <ParentRecordType>

  • <RecordType> and <TriggerEvent>

You can delete an individual workflow rule by specifying a value for <WorkflowName>. Upon deletion of a workflow rule, the other workflow rules in the set are re-ordered accordingly.

When <WorkflowName>, <RecordType> and <TriggerEvent> are all specified for a delete request, only records that match all three values are deleted.

See WorkflowRuleSetUpsert for information about the workflow rule data specified in apQuery:WorkflowRuleSet.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the WorkflowRuleSetDelete method.

Table Arguments Taken by the WorkflowRuleSetDelete Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The workflow rule set.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status is returned.