
Inserts workflow user configuration data. The Manage Workflow Rules privilege is required.


Use the WorkflowUserSetInsertOrUpdate method to insert workflow user configuration data. The method does not update data. The configuration data is for users for whom scheduled events for Analytics are created.

To insert users you specify the workflow name with unique values for the <UserID> or <UserLoginName> child elements of apData:WorkflowUser. If some of the specified user data results in an error, for example, if a value for a user is not unique, the whole request is rolled back.

The apData:WorkflowUserSet argument has the following child elements:

  • WorkflowName. The workflow name (required).

  • WorkflowUser. The workflow user data, specified in the following child elements:

  • UserLastName. The user’s last name.

  • UserFirstName. The user’s first name.

  • UserFullName. The user’s full name.

  • UserEmail. The user’s email address.

  • UserAlias. The user alias of the user.

  • UserId. The user’s ID.

  • UserExternalSystemId. The external system ID of the user.

  • UserLoginName. The login name for the user.

For more information about workflow rules, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the WorkflowUserSetInsertOrUpdate method.

Table Arguments Taken by the WorkflowUserSetInsertOrUpdate Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The workflow user data to be updated or inserted.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

No applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status is returned.