
Updates an existing client side extension or inserts a new client side extension.


Use the ClientSideExtensionUpsert method to insert a client side extension or update an existing client side extension.

The user key for the upsert operation is <Name>.

The ClientSideExtensionUpsert method supports requests to upload attachments in the following formats:

  • The content of a single attachment can be embedded directly in the <FileData> element as Base64 encoded data.

  • The request can be packaged using the Message Transmission Optimized Mechanism specification with the XML-binary Optimized Packaging convention (MTOM/XOP). In this case, the content of the file does not need to be encoded. The <FileData> element references the identifier (the Content-ID) for the file that is to be attached, as shown in the following code sample. In this sample, the identifier is


    The content of the referenced file is included in the request, as shown in the following code sample:

    Content-Type: image/png
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
    Content-ID: <>
    ... The text or binary content goes here ...

    The request must conform with the specification for the XOP convention, as described in For examples of XOP requests, see

Note: When you extract client side extensions, the attachments to the client side extensions are returned as separate files that are referenced from the response.

The apdata:ClientSideExtension argument contains the following elements containing client side extension data:

  • Name. The name of the client side extension (required). The name must be unique for a client side extension.

  • UrlName. A meaningful name for the URL that points to the client side extension (required).

    The following characters are accepted in the URL name: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, underscore (_), and period (.). Double periods (..) are not permitted, and a period (.) must not be the last character in the string. Examples of URL names are: Logo_Image and Map376. It is recommended that you keep this field as short as possible.

    Note: If you change the URL name on an existing client side extension, then the relative URL and full URL will be changed. If the client side extension has already been deployed, then you must update custom Web tabs, custom Web applets, global Web tabs, or custom HTML head additions that reference this client side extension to use the newly generated URL.
  • RelativeURL. The relative URL that navigates to the client side extension from within Oracle CRM On Demand (read-only). This value is generated by Oracle CRM On Demand.

  • FullURL. The full URL that points to the URL in the Oracle CRM On Demand application (read-only). The value in this element is generated by Oracle CRM On Demand.

  • Description. The description of the client side extension.

  • FileName. The name of the file, including the file extension (required).

  • MIMEType. The Internet media (MIME) type of the file.

    The following are some examples of MIME types:

    • text/html

    • image/jpeg

    • image/gif

    • application/x-shockwave-flash

    • text/css

  • Extension. The file extension (read-only). This value is generated by Oracle CRM On Demand.

  • FileSize. The size of the file in bytes (read-only). This value is generated by Oracle CRM On Demand.

  • FileData. The content of the file or the reference to the Content-ID of the file.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the ClientSideExtensionUpsert method.

Table Arguments Taken by the ClientSideExtensionUpsert Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The client side extension to be inserted or updated.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status is returned.