
Extracts all of the lead conversion mapping data for a company.


Use the LeadConversionMappingReadAll method to read all of the lead conversion mapping data.

Note: To extract mappings for the Deal Registration record type, the Manage PRM Access privilege is required.

If the <IncludeAll> child element of apQuery:LeadConversionMapping specifies true, then the method returns all of the fields on the Lead record type that can be mapped, even if no mapping exists for the fields. If <IncludeAll> specifies false, or is not included in the request, then the method returns only the data for fields on the Lead record type that are mapped to at least one field on one or more of the Account, Contact, Deal Registration, or Opportunity record types.

See LeadConversionMappingUpsert for information about the lead mapping data specified in apData:FieldMapping.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the LeadConversionMappingReadAll method.

Table Arguments Taken by the LeadConversionMappingReadAll Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The extracted data for all lead conversion mapping.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The lead conversion mapping data is returned.