
Updates existing sales process configuration data or inserts new data.


Use the SalesProcessInsertOrUpdate method to update or insert sales process configuration data. The Manage Data Rules - Manage Sales Stage Definition privilege is required.

New sales processes are inserted and existing sales processes are updated. Sales processes that are not identified in the request are not affected.

The <BaseName> child element of apData:SalesProcess is used to identify sales process records in a request.

If no sales process is located using this criteria, then a sales process is inserted with the configuration specified in the request.

The ListOfSalesProcess argument contains the following elements in the <SalesProcess> element for each sales process:

  • Id. The ID of the sales process.

  • Name. The name of the sales process.

  • Translate. Whether the sales process is marked for translation.

  • Default. Whether this sales process is the default sales process.

  • Description. The description of the sales process.

  • TranslationLanguage. The three-letter code for the language.

  • BaseName. The language-independent name of the sales process.

  • ListOfOpportunityType. Information contained in the following elements in the <OpportunityType> element for each opportunity type:

    • Id. The ID of the opportunity type.

    • Type. The name of the opportunity type.

  • ListOfSalesStage. Information contained in the following elements in the <SalesStage> element for each sales stage:

    • Id. The ID of the sales stage.

    • Name. The name of the sales stage.

    • SalesCategoryName. The category that the sales stage is associated with.

    • Order. The sequence of the sales stages as they appear in the picklist.

    • Probability. The default probability for the sales stage.

    • Description. The description of the sales stage.

    • TranslationLanguage. The three-letter code for the language.

    • BaseName. The language-independent name of the sales stage.

    • BaseCategoryName. The language-independent name of the sales category that the sales stage is associated with.

    Note: When a sales process is created, sales stages named Closed/Lost and Closed/Won are automatically associated with the sales process. The Probability field on the Closed/Lost sales stage is set to zero (0), and the Probability field on the Closed/Won sales stage is set to 100. You cannot change these values. Do not set up any other sales stage with the Probability field equal to 0 or 100 percent. Modifying picklists that are used internally by the Oracle CRM On Demand application can have an adverse impact on standard functionality. You cannot remove the Closed/Lost and Closed/Won sales stages from a sales process.
  • ListOfTranslation. Information contained in the following elements in the <Translation> element for each language activated for your company:

    • Id. The ID of the sales stage.

    • LanguageId. The three-letter code for the translation language.

    • Description. The description of the sales process in the language identified by the language code.

    • Name. The name of the sales process in the language identified by the language code.

In addition, the following elements are also included in each of the <SalesProcess>, <OpportunityType>, <SalesStage>, and <Translation> elements:

  • CreatedById. The Row ID of the user who created the instance (that is, the sales process, opportunity type, sales stage, or translation record).

  • CreatedDate. The date and time the instance was created.

  • CreatedBy. A combination of the full name of the person who created the instance, and the date on which the instance was created.

  • ModId. The modification key, which helps to check and protect against concurrent updates.

  • ModifiedById. The Row ID of the user who last modified the instance.

  • ModifiedDate. The date and time the instance was last modified.

  • ModifiedBy. A combination of the full name of the person who last modified the instance, and the date on which the instance was last modified.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the SalesProcessInsertOrUpdate method.

Table Arguments Taken by the SalesProcessInsertOrUpdate Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The sales process data to be updated or inserted.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

A status object of the apData:SalesProcess type that contains the following:

  • Created. The username and time and date for the user who created the sales process.

  • Modified. The username and time and date for the user who modified the sales process.

  • Id. The ID of the sales process.

  • ModId. The modification key, which helps to check and protect against concurrent updates.