Deploying Unifier from the Unifier_Home Directory on Windows

After creating the .EAR file, deploy Unifier as follows:

  1. In the <unifier_home>\weblogic directory, create a setenv.bat file by copying the setenv_sample.bat file.
  2. Edit the setenv.bat file as follows:
    • Set the domain_home variable to specify the path of the domain home folder that will be used by Unifier.
    • Set the admin url variable to specify the host name and port number used by the Unifier domain.
    • Set the java_home variable to the JDK installed directory.
    • If you are using JDK 11, set the JAVAFX_HOME variable to the JAVAFX installed directory. If you install a new version of JavaFX, select Release 17; do not install Release 20 or later.
    • Set the USER_MEM_ARGS variable to specify the JVM maximum memory setting.
  3. Save setEnv.bat.
  4. Run startup.bat.
  5. Run deploy.bat.
  6. When prompted, enter the WebLogic user name and password.

    Unifier is deployed in WebLogic using the variables set in setEnv.bat.

    Note: This process may take several minutes.

Related Topics

Deploying Unifier

Creating an EAR File From the Configurator

Deploying Unifier from the WebLogic Administration Console

Last Published Tuesday, February 20, 2024