Installing Unifier on Linux

Complete the following procedures to install and configure Unifier for a first time installation. Each step corresponds to a section in this guide.

Note: Before you begin, create an installation account that has full administration privileges for the server. This account is needed for maintenance and upgrades.

  1. Download Unifier.
  2. Configure the database server.

    Complete this step before configuring Unifier. This information will be used during database configuration in Unifier Configurator.

  3. Configure WebLogic for Unifier.
  4. Install and configure the Reports Server. (Optional)
  5. Install Oracle WebCenter Content. (Optional)
  6. Install AutoVue Server.
  7. Configure Unifier using the Configurator.
  8. Configure the Web Server.
  9. Deploy Unifier in WebLogic.
  10. Launch Unifier and install Unifier applications.

In This Section

Downloading Unifier

Configuring the Oracle Database Server

Installing the AutoVue Server

Configuring WebLogic for Unifier on Linux

Installing and Configuring the Reports Server (Optional)

Installing Oracle WebCenter Content (Optional)

Configuring Unifier Using the Configurator

Configuring the OHTTP Server (OHS)

Deploying Unifier

Launching Unifier

Last Published Tuesday, February 20, 2024