General Tab

Server Type is the setting that defines the mode Unifier server is running.

Temporary Directory: Enter the temporary directory for Unifier server operations. The Temporary Directory must be local to the server. If you do not want to place the Temporary Directory on a local server, then you must select a different value for the shared location.

Background Job Disabled: Select to disable background jobs.

Server Internal URL: Enter the WebLogic Server URL running the Unifier (For example:

Note: BI Publisher and Markup servers use this URL to communicate with Unifier.

Login Session Timeout: Login Session Timeout is used to control the amount of time a user can be idle before having to log back into Unifier. The unit is seconds. For security reasons, the recommended timeout setting is between 30 minutes and 4 hours.

Overdue Tasks Check Interval: Interval, in minutes, used by the internal job server for notification tasks. The suggested interval is 15 minutes. A very small interval may degrade performance.

Test Server Label: This field displays only for Test servers. Enter a custom name for the Test server. The name cannot exceed 30 characters and cannot be labeled Development or Production. It can include all special characters except - (dash/hyphen) and _ (underscore).

UPK Help URL: Enter the URL where the User Productivity Kit (UPK) help content is to be hosted (as a generic example, http://servername/contextroot, or as a specific example is http://localhost/unifierupk).

Unifier Help URL: To deploy a local version of the Unifier online help, enter the URL where the help file is to be hosted.

Last Published Tuesday, February 20, 2024