Authentication Tab (LDAP Simple Bind)

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a protocol for querying, and modifying, directory services. The Administrator can configure the server to use either simple-bind or double-bind authentication.

Authentication Type: LDAP Simple Bind

Login URL: Enter the URL to log in to Unifier.

Provider: To connect the LDAP server (URL), for example, ldap://

SSL: To connect to the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) enabled port of the LDAP server.

Note: Oracle recommends you always use SSL in a production environment for secure communications.

When Unifier is configured with JDK 8 and integrated with LDAP SSL:

The above settings enable you to log in using LDAP SSL.


Setting in file: export JAVA_OPTIONS="$JAVA_OPTIONS


Security Principal Template: To authenticate directly, based on the user name and password (Simple Bind). The template is used to construct the user's Distinguished Name (DN), for example, cn={0},l=amer,dc=oracle,dc=com

Admin User Bypass: To allow administrators to bypass LDAP login.

Last Published Tuesday, February 20, 2024