Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab has the following fields:

Enable Password Encryption

When the password encryption is enabled, the system saves the signature in bluedoor properties file, or a secure location.

Server Time Zone

The server time zone.

Background Job Threads

The number of threads for background jobs.

High Priority Job Threads

The number of threads for high priority jobs.

Include Custom Properties

Check this box to use file (in /configurator directory) to set additional properties.

Support Session Failover

Check this box to keep session alive when the server goes down.

Secure Key Location

The directory path where the file containing file "" will be stored. The "" file will contain the "" property.

This setting is optional. If not set, the secure key (a random string) will be generated by the Configurator and stored in the "" file.

If a folder location is given as a secure key location, then the key will be stored in an additional property file in the given folder for extra security (assuming that the secure key folder is a folder with very selective access that is not readable by most IT personnel). This location must be accessible from Unifier server.

Partner Login URL

The JVM default time zone. This time zone must match the Java startup parameters. For example: Duser.timezone=America/Chicago.

If set, Unifier generated email sent to partner user (users that do not belong to the owner company) containing the given login URL.

All user emails will have the same login URL defined in the email tab, normally. This login URL is used in Cloud environment where the owner and partner use different SSO solution.

Oracle Map Server: Proxy Server URL

The URL for the proxy server that is used to connect to Oracle Map/Geocoder server.

Unifier connect to to get location information from the US address. This is the proxy setting required (if necessary) for Unifier server to connect to elocation server.

Oracle map Server: Proxy Server Port

Port for the proxy server that is used to connect to Oracle Map/Geocoder server.

Unifier connect to "" to get location information from the US address. This is the proxy setting required (if necessary) for Unifier server to connect to "elocation" server.





Is the above integrator key setup for DocuSign production environments?

Check this box only if the integrator key has been promoted to the production account by using the go-live process.

  • If you select this option, then Unifier will redirect the customer to log into the Production DocuSign Account.
  • If you do not select this option, then Unifier will redirect the customer to Demo DocuSign Account.

Last Published Tuesday, February 20, 2024