Downloading Unifier

Download Unifier by following these steps:

  1. Go to (Oracle Software Delivery Cloud) and sign in.
  2. Navigate to access the Primavera Unifier page.

The Primavera Unifier zip file enables you to download the necessary files for installing the platform version of the product, only. The platform version of Unifier contains all the Unifier modules and allows the users to create their own designs (Business Processes and Attribute forms). This version of Unifier does not have preconfigured designs.

In addition to the Primavera Unifier zip file, you will see the following zip folders:

If your licensing agreement includes Primavera Unifier Project Controls and/or Unifier Facilities and Asset Management base products (applications/products), the Site Administrator can download and install the base products. See the Downloading and Installing Unifier Base Configuration section for details.

Related Topics

Recommended Setup after Downloading Unifier

Last Published Tuesday, February 20, 2024