Installing the AutoVue Server

AutoVue installation is mandatory if you plan to use Unifier Markup feature, also referred to as redlining.

When attaching documents to a Business Process (BP) form, you can add markups (text notes or graphical elements) that display directly on the document.

Note: The markups do not alter the document.

This section describes the following procedures:

For more information, refer to Oracle AutoVue Client/Server Deployment Installation and Configuration Guide available on Oracle Documentation website.

To configure AutoVue (Apply AutoVue Patch, etc.) follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to Oracle support site and select the Patches & Updates.
  2. In the Patches & Updates section, select the Patch Name or Number, AutoVue XX.X.X (for the patch number or name refer to Primavera Unifier Tested Configurations in the Primavera Unifier Documentation Library), and perform a search.
  3. Click the result set to download the patch set zip file.
  4. Follow the instructions below to apply the patch set. (Refer to the Read Me document in the patchset)
    1. Make a backup of the gluegen-rt.jar, jogl.jar, jsonrpc4j.jar, jvue.jar, and jvueserver.jar files located in <AutoVue Installation Directory>\bin directory.
    2. Copy the gluegen-rt.jar, jogl.jar, jsonrpc4j.jar, jvue.jar, and jvueserver.jar files from the patch to <AutoVue Installation Directory>\bin directory.
    3. Restart the AutoVue server.

      Note: For the full list of system requirements, applications, and application version levels refer to Primavera Unifier Tested Configurations in the Primavera Unifier Documentation Library.

Related Topics

Downloading and Installing AutoVue

Configuring AutoVue

Deploying Unifier GUI Applets to AutoVue

Last Published Tuesday, February 20, 2024