Database Tab (Oracle)

The information entered in this tab is based on your earlier database and user account creation.

Database Type: Select Oracle.

Host Name: Enter the host name of the computer where you installed the database.

Instance ID: The Instance ID field in the Configurator can accept the following values:

When you enter a service name for an Oracle service name (Oracle Database), you must preface the name with a forward slash (/), for example, /servicename.

If you do not preface the name with a forward slash (/), the system presumes that you have entered an Oracle SID.

Port: Enter the Port number to be used by Unifier to communicate with the database (For example: 1521).

User Name: Enter the database login user account name (created in Oracle) to be used by Unifier. The database login user account needs to have sufficient permissions to create tables in order for Unifier to work correctly.

User Password: Enter the database login user account password to be used by Unifier.

Max. Connections: The setting that defines the maximum connections to the database. The maximum is 400; the recommended maximum is 80 to 100.

Min. Connections: The setting that defines the minimum connections that must be connected to the database.

Test Connection: Click Test Connection to verify that the Application server and the database are connected and communicating. A Test is successful message will appear if test is successful. Two conditions are tested:

Last Published Tuesday, February 20, 2024