Email Tab

Outbound (SMTP) E-mail Server: (Required) Enter the IP address or the URL/machine name.

E-mail Sender Prefix: Enter the email prefix that will be used in the Sender's name whenever an email is generated from a user from within Unifier, for example, Unifier. Late email notifications show the E-mail Sender Prefix, only.

Support Contact Information: This field contains the message text that is included in all support-related email notifications.

To enable an email address as a hyperlink, use the following format: <a href=""></a>

Outbound (SMTP) Authentication Required: Select if authentication is required by the outbound SMTP email server.

Outbound (SMTP) E-mail Account: Enter the outbound Email account.

Outbound (SMTP) E-mail Password: Enter the password that corresponds to the outbound Email account.

Outbound (SMTP) E-mail Encryption Type: (Optional) To support TLS protocol, select from one of the following options supported by SMTP server (Outbound (SMTP) E-mail Server):

Proxy Server URL for APNs Server: URL of the proxy server used to connect to Apple Push Notification Service.

Proxy Server Port for APNs Server: Port of the proxy server used to connect to Apple Push Notification Service.

Note: Unifier supports outbound email without authentication or with authentication using SSL.

System Notification E-mail Address: This field contains the email ID that the system displays as the "Sender's" email address for all emails generated by the Unifier system, for example,

Project Email Patter: This field has the following values: Suffix and Prefix and determines the project email ID supported (<pid>-<inboundemail> or <inboundemail>+<pid>

System Error Notification E-mail Address: This field contains the email address where Unifier sends a notification if Unifier loses connection to the database while the system is running. The email addresses can be separated by semicolon.

License Notification E-mail Address: This field contains the email address where Unifier sends licensing notifications, for example, if the number of users exceeds the number of available licenses. If the number of users exceeds the number of available licenses, then the system sends notifications to the following:

Inbound E-mail protocol: Select the protocol used by the inbound email server that can receive email. The supported protocols are POP3, IMAP, POP3S, and IMAPS.

Each Unifier environment (Development, Test, and Production) must be configured with its own inbound email account. To prevent undesired results, do not use the same inbound email for all the environments.

Inbound E-mail Server: Enter the server that can receive email, for example, if a user takes action via email on a business process. This can be the server name or IP address.

(Optional) You can specify the port number after the server name of IP address, for example,

Inbound E-mail Account: Enter the email account to receive response email from the user.

To use the project or shell Mailbox, which allows external email messages to be sent to and stored within a central project or shell mailbox, use the following format for the inbound email account. This allows acceptance of inbound emails sent to the system-generated project/shell email addresses: * This configuration is needed on the email server, not within the Unifier Configurator.

Inbound E-mail Password: This field contains the password that corresponds to the inbound email account. This password is used when email is retrieved.

Test Inbound Connection: Enables you to test the Inbound E-mail Server, Inbound E-mail Account, and Inbound E-mail Password.

Test Outbound Connection: Enables you to test the outbound E-mail Server, outbound E-mail Account, and outbound E-mail Password.

About Inbound E-mail

If you are using a open-source hMailServer to configure Unifier for inbound emails, ensure that you turn off the "auto ban" feature. If you do not turn off the "auto ban" feature, then you will not be able to use Unifier functionalities such as Project Mailbox and Workflow action view E-mail.

The Project Mailbox functionality rely on email address used for BP Action via Email. If the Inbound email address is, then the email address of a Project/Shell could be one of the following, depending on the property value in the in file. This property can have two values: "prefix" or blank and "suffix." This property can be set either manually (in the file) or by selecting the appropriate value from Unifier Configurator - Email Tab and saving the changes.

In case the property value is "prefix" or blank

The email address of any Unifier Project/Shell will follow the pattern <project id> used for Project Mail box functionality. For example, if the project id is 1001, then email address for this particular Project/Shell will be For this to function, you have to set up an email forwarding rule on your mail server such that any emails sent to .* will be automatically forwarded to Inbox.

In case the property value is "suffix"

The email address of any Unifier Project/Shell will follow the pattern unifier_oracle+<project id> used for Project Mail box functionality. For example, if the project id is 1001, then email address for this particular Project/Shell will be For this to function, you have to set up an email forwarding rule on your mail server such that any emails sent to unifier_oracle+.* will be automatically forwarded to Inbox.

If you are using an email address on domain, you must use the "suffix" pattern, and you must, explicitly, set because this property is not exposed in current Unifier configurator. The email forwarding rule (for suffix pattern) is enabled on this domain by default.

On Unifier configurator, ensure that you include the port number for the current protocol in Inbound E-mail Server field, for example, or The protocol and port mapping are as follows:

To prevent the spam emails to go in the Project Mail box, the system accepts emails from email addresses associated with Unifier user account or the email addresses listed in Approved Email List by Company Admin, only.

Last Published Tuesday, February 20, 2024