Activity Constraint

Type: Integer

Size: 0

Input Type (Input Method): Pull-down Menu (Drop-down list)

Use on: Schedule sheets

Description: Pull-down Menu (Drop-down list) for selecting a constraint between activities on a schedule sheet.

A constraint ties a successor activity start date to a predecessor activity completion date, after observing dependencies and lags.

The available constraints in Unifier are As soon as possible (ASAP) and None.

As soon as possible (ASAP): If the start date of a predecessor activity changes, this option either pulls in or pushes out the start date For role amount recalculations.

Any changes to start and finish dates, duration, predecessor activities, constraints, available days (via the calendar), activity levels (indent or out-dent), role rates, or currency exchange rates can trigger recalculation of the activity role amount. These rate changes will be reflected in cash flow distribution. The system calculates all values on a daily basis and adds up all amounts.

For activity amounts

An activity can have more than one role, each with its own costs. Unifier tallies the role amounts for an activity and displays the activity amount in cash flow, provided the activity is associated with at least one CBS code.

If you include a Role Data Picker on the form, you must also include the Role Amount [uuu_ role_amt] field on the form of an ASAP-constrained successor activity accordingly.

If an ASAP-constrained activity does not have a predecessor, the schedule sheet start date determines the activity start date; un-started ASAP-constrained successor activities align accordingly.

None: The start date of a None-constrained activity does not change if the start date of a predecessor activity changes. The schedule sheet start date does not determine the start date of None-constrained activities that do not have predecessor activities.

This data definition is fixed and cannot be used to create any other data elements.

It is reportable and is available for user defined reports and data views.

Last Published Thursday, February 1, 2024