
Data Definition: Float

Form Label (Field Label): Project Currency Rate Override

# of Characters: Not applicable

Where to use it: Upper form of any cost BP

Note: Not available for company-level BPs.

Use this element for: Overriding the project currency exchange rate when creating a cost transaction.

To accommodate this rate override, the BP must also contain a Currency Picker.

The user can override the exchange rate only on the Creation step of a business process, or before clicking “Finished Editing” on a non-workflow business process.

If the user overrides the rate, the override value will become the currency exchange rate and will be copied to the existing currency exchange rate fields on the form.

Because the rate must be overridden on the Creation step only, this element cannot be auto-populated.

For integration, you can specify a direction of Input, Output, or Both. These directions will be used only when the business process is created; otherwise, they will be ignored.

Last Published Thursday, February 1, 2024