
Data Definition: Record Number

Form Label (Field Label): Record Number

# of Characters: 20

Where to use it:

Use this element for: Viewing the number of a record.

Based on Record Number Data data definition. The system will assign a record number or identifier (based on configuration) to this element.

This element can also be a hyperlink that opens a BP record created by an activity that is part of a “scope management” function.

Gaps in Generated Business Process Record Number

Business Process (BP) record number is sequentially generated when you create a new record. The newly generated record number is locked so that other records (being created at the same time) cannot use that number. If the BP record cannot be created for any reason (for example, Cost Sheet rules or validations that exist at the SOV level), the system only voids the generated record number and does not reset the record numbering sequence to allow another BP record to pick up that generated number. This operation generates gaps in BP record number generation.

Last Published Thursday, February 1, 2024