
Data Definition: SYS Cost Line Item Type

Form Label (Field Label): Cost Line Item Type

# of Characters: Not applicable

Where to use it:

Use this element for:

To define whether a line item will capture a lump sum amount, or a calculated amount as per unit cost/quantity.

If a line item is of Type = Unit Cost, when referenced on a Change Commit, it will automatically retrieve the Unit Cost as a read-only value on the Change Commit.

The default behavior, in the listed BPs, is read-only.

Place this DE on any Detail form of Summary SOV or Detail form of other types of BPs.

The DE is editable in all other BPs.

Additional information:

This is a mandatory field that has to exist on the form.

This field cannot be marked as Editable/Editable Required

Since this DE is Read-Only in the listed BPs, it cannot be part of DDS which has it as a Master Data element on these forms.

Note: The remaining behavior is like any other drop-down (Pull-down) DE.

Last Published Thursday, February 1, 2024