In Alphabetical Order U-Z


uLink is a Java application that uses Web Services requests to integrate information between other enterprise applications and Unifier.

Unifier Mobile

The Unifier Mobile application lets users download and view company-level user defined reports, including crosstab, tabular, and summary reports, on a mobile device.

Upper Form

An upper form is the upper portion of a business process form. The upper form contains the basic information that the form is managing, such as the name of a record and its description, who created the record and when, and so on. It also contains general data entry, informational, or reference fields for the business process form.

See also “Detail Form”

User Mode

User Mode is the collaboration mode project users work in when creating and sending BPs, or using functions such as the cost manager, schedule manager, or the document management system.

Vendor Master

A company-level business process that maintains a master list of all vendors or suppliers that a company or project works with. RFBs refer to this master list during the bid process. The master vendor list can be filtered for specific projects to contain a sub-set of the list.

View Form

The View form is the read-only version of a business process form that appears when the recipient first opens the form. The fields cannot be edited. A view form may also be used when the designer does not want the user to be able to change the data on the form. Business process forms can only be printed from a view form.

See also “Action Form”

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)/CBS Code

CBS codes are standard in the construction industry for tracking project/shell costs. They are used in project management to break down a project into manageable pieces that can be more effectively estimated and monitored. These codes describe a cost item on a cost sheet and are typically composed of segments that can precisely describe the cost item at one or multiple levels, from a general level down to any number of specific levels. Each segment of the code is a cost code data definition in uDesigner.

See also "Cost Codes"


Workflows specify how a business process should proceed, from start to finish. They illustrate each step in the business process and govern the behavior of each step. Workflows also include the movement of documents around the organization for purposes including sign-off, evaluation, or performing activities in a process.

Most business processes will include a workflow or workflows; however, some business processes have a single purpose of storing data. They are often data entry forms designed to enter information directly into the system (for example, vendor lists). These business processes are called non-workflow BPs.


A worksheet reflects a cost sheet, but can be altered for specific purposes, such as manual data entry, or to conceal particular information from non-company personnel. They can also perform complex cost calculations that can, in turn, roll up to the cost sheet.

For example, you might have an independent estimator who is developing an estimate for the project. The estimator should not see information about the current project budget. For this case, you could create a worksheet that displays only the CBS codes and an “estimate” column where the estimator can enter values directly into the worksheet. That data would then roll up to the project cost sheet.

Work Package

A work package is a group of cost sheet rows that are a subset of the project cost sheet. It is the lowest-level deliverable that can be broken down into distinct activities. Work packages provide insight into the budget without providing full access to the details of the project cost sheet.

Yet to Buy (YTB)

Yet to Buy is a data source on a cost sheet that represents the budget yet to be spent on each CBS code. It is useful for users in forecasting their anticipated commits. The system never allows a negative value in this data source.

Last Published Thursday, February 1, 2024