22.6 Decimal-Point Precision

In WBS sheets, Direct Entry or Formula Columns based on Sys Numeric logical data sources now support up to 15 decimal places of precision.

Day 1 Impact: Direct Entry columns based on a Currency Amount or Decimal Amount data definition will honor the decimal precision set in the data element properties. Columns whose data definition is based on Currency Amount will honor the decimal precision defined for the Project Currency / Base Currency.

For CMx sheets, the decimal places are not defined in column properties; instead, a column will honor the decimal precision selected in the data element properties.

Day 1 Impact: The decimal precision set in the data element properties will be honored; direct cell entry columns based on Currency Amount or Decimal Amount data definitions will not show additional decimal formatting options.

For Planning Sheets, columns based on SYS numerical logical data source and SYS numeric data source will support 15 decimal places instead of the previous limit of 8 decimal places.

Day 1 Impact: Manual entry columns based on the Decimal Amount definition will not show additional formatting options; the decimal precision set in the data element properties will be honored.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023