Opening Master Rate Sheet

Click the gear menu ( ) to open and click Open to open the Master Rate Sheet. When opened, the Master Rate Sheet displays as an overlay.

The Master Rate Sheet log window has the following toolbar options :

The Status option enables you to assign one of the following standings on the sheet:

There are two default views available under the View option which enables you to switch between views:

The Master Rate Sheet log window has the following tab:

The Rates tab provides Price/Unit, populated from P6. Click Create to manually add new breakdown structure for the following:

To add new values, click the Add icon (the plus + icon). When finished, click Save.

You can use a formula to establish rates based on other cost types. When you edit the cell Price/Unit, a formula icon is displayed and when you select the formula icon a new formula window will be displayed.

Note: In Master Rate Sheet some Resources or Roles have incorrect breakdown structure, but they are not assigned to any project. If the Resources or Roles have correct breakdown structure in the project, then the recost will work.

See Earned Value Management Attributes for details about column headings and elements. Refer to the Unifier Data Reference Guide for details on each element.

See Also

Master Rate Sheet

Master Rate Sheet and P6 (Multiple Row Rates)

Accessing the Master Rate Sheet Log

Master Rate Sheet Log: Toolbar Functions

Master Rate Sheet Log: Tabs

Master Rate Sheet and Manual Activity Sheet

Last Published Friday, February 2, 2024