Creating a Meeting Minutes Record

To create a Meeting Minutes record.

  1. Go to your project. Ensure that you are in the User mode.
  2. Expand the Communication & Followup node and click on Meeting Minutes.
  3. From the BP log page, click Create.Refer to the tables below to complete the form. You can click Save at any time to save a draft version of the form. The drafts are stored under Drafts.
  4. To add details about the line items, click Add on the detail line item. Refer to the Detail Line item tables, to complete the form.
  5. After completing the form, select Submit from the Workflow Actions. You can also select Complete to send the record to the final step in the workflow.

    Note: You must enter a value in all required fields (*) before you can save the form.


    In this field:

    Do this:

    Record Number

    No action.


    (Required) Enter title.

    Project Number

    No action.

    Project Name

    No action.


    No action.

    Creation Date

    No action.

    Due Date

    No action.

    Note: You cannot change the record due date after creation.


    No action.

    Meeting Details

    In this field:

    Do this:


    This is a required field. Enter the subject for the meeting.

    Meeting Date and Start Time

    Enter the meeting date and time.

    Meeting Coordinator

    Select the user who is coordinating this meeting. Click the Select... button and select from a list of users.

    Meeting Type

    From the pull-down menu, select the type of meeting.

    Action Item Approver

    Click Select... to select the user who will approve the action item.

    Meeting Location Details

    In this field:

    Do this:

    Meeting Location Name

    Enter the location of this meeting.


    Enter the city.


    Enter the address where this meeting is taking place.


    From the pull-down menu, select your State/Province.


    Enter the zip code of the meeting location.


    In this field:

    Do this:


    Enter a description for the purpose.

    Meeting Stats

    In this field:

    Do this:

    # of Invited Attendees

    No action. This is a read-only field. It displays the number of attendees invited to the meeting.

    # of Attendees

    No action. This is a read-only field. It displays the number of attendees attending the meeting.

    # of Business Items

    No action. This is a read-only field. It displays the number of business items on the meeting agenda.

    Line Items tab

    Business Item Details

    In this field:

    Do this:

    Name/Title *

    Enter a name or title of the business item.


    Enter detailed information for the business item.

    Business Item Type

    Select the business item type from the pull-down list.

    Item #

    Enter the business item number.

Meeting Conclusion Details

In this field:

Do this:


At the completion of the meeting the following was concluded about this business item

Key Decision?

Select the key decision from the pull-down list. Set the key decision field to Yes if this represents a key decision to be reported in the decision log report.

Follow Up Action Required

In this field:

Do this:

Further Action Required?

From the pull-down list, select if further action is required.


If Further Action Required? value is set to Yes, then Description is a required field. Enter follow up description

Due Date

Enter the date when the follow up action is due.

Assigned To

If Further Action Required? value is set to Yes, then Assigned To is a required field. Select the user to whom the follow up action is assigned by clicking the Select… and select the candidate user.

Company Name

Enter the name of the assigned user's company name.

External Assignee?

If the assignee is external (or internal) select appropriate value by from the pull down list by clicking the Select…

Ext. Company Name

Enter the external assignee's company name.

Ext. Assignee Name

Enter the external assignee's name.

Action Item Approver

Select the action item approver by clicking the Select… and selecting the user.

Action Item Approver Email

The field populated with selected action item approver's email address

Resolution Details

In this field

Do this

Brief Summary of Action Taken

Enter any action taken against the business item.

Start Date

Enter the date the resolution was or will be taken.

Action Item Complete Date

Enter the date the resolution was completed.

Action Item Record #

The field will auto-populate with values if an action item record is related to the business item.

Action Item Status

The field will auto-populate with status values if an action item record is related to the Business Item

Other Information

In this field

Do this

Short Description *

This field gets populated with the Name/Title value in the Business Item Details block

Line Item Status

Select status value from the pull down list.

Attendees Tab

Invited Attendee Information

In the Attendees tab, the attendees that are listed in the tab (as line items) will be the recipients of the Meeting Minutes Record. Also, when sending email, the creator of the record will be CC'd.

In this field

Do this

Invited Attendee (selector)

Select the attendee from the list of users by clicking the Select… button.

In Attendance

Select in attendance value for the invited attendee from the pull down list.

Include in next meeting?

Select include in next meeting for the invited attendee from the pull down list.

Attendee Name

If the attendee was selected from the Invited Attendee (selector) list this field gets populated by the attendee's name. If the attendee was not selected from the Invited Attendee (selector) then enter the attendee's name.

Company Name

If the attendee was selected from the Invited Attendee (selector) list this field gets populated by the attendee's company name. If the attendee was not selected from the Invited Attendee (selector) then enter the attendee's company name


If the attendee was selected from the Invited Attendee (selector) list this field gets populated by the attendee's title. If the attendee was not selected from the Invited Attendee (selector) then enter the attendee's title.


If the attendee was selected from the Invited Attendee (selector) list this field gets populated by the attendee's e-mail address. If the attendee was not selected from the Invited Attendee (selector) then enter the attendee's e-mail address.

Mobile Phone

If the attendee was selected from the Invited Attendee (selector) list this field gets populated by the attendee's mobile phone number. If the attendee was not selected from the Invited Attendee (selector) then enter the attendee's mobile phone number.

Work Phone

If the attendee was selected from the Invited Attendee (selector) list this field gets populated by the attendee's work phone number. If the attendee was not selected from the Invited Attendee (selector) then enter the attendee's work phone number.

Business Item Details

In this field

Do this

Selected Issue #

Select from an existing issue, which will then auto-populate the issue title and details fields

Create new issue?

Create a new issue by selecting Yes from the pull down list and then entering in the issue details.

Issue Title/Short Description *

This field gets auto-populated with issue title if an issue was selected from the Selected Issue #. If Create new issue? was set as yes then enter Issue title or short description.

Issue Details *

This field gets auto-populated with issue details if an issue was selected from the Selected Issue #. If Create new issue? was set as yes then enter Issue details.

Short Description *

This field gets populated with Issue Title/Short Description as entered above.

New Issue Record #

Enter the issue record number.

Action Item Info

In this field:

Do this:

Create Action Item?

Select an option. The default is Yes.

Action Item Created

No action.


No action.

Action Item Status

No action.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023