Lump Sum and Unit Cost

The Cost Line Item Type (uuu_cost_li_type) on the detail form is populated with Lump Sum or Unit Cost based on the selection of the option that you have made at the time of adding line items. When you click Add and select either Lump Sum, or Unit Cost, Line Items window opens. The Line Items window has two sections: Upper form (Detail form that follows the uDesigner Detail form design) and lower grid (fixed by system). The following explains all the fields in detail:

Line Item window toolbar

Line Item window fields

Add > Lump Sum (No added cost) - Upper form (General)

Add > Lump Sum (Added cost) - Upper form (General)

Add > Unit Cost (No added cost) - Upper form (General)

Add > Unit Cost (Added cost) - Upper form (General)

Toolbar - Upper form (lower block)

Fields - Upper form (lower block)

You can make change within the editable or required cells of the following columns:

Change Commits BP of Summary Payment Applications SOV type

The Change Commits BP of Summary Payment Applications SOV type, similar to the Base Commits, you use Lump Sum and Unit Cost items to add new line items. In addition, you can use the Modify Committed Line Item option (Add) to modify a reference commit line item that exists in the Reference Base Commits record. When you select the Modify Committed Line Item option (Add), the Commit Line Item Picker window opens, and the line items existing in the SOV sheet.

Commit Line Item Picker window

You can select any summary line item from the Commit Line Item picker

The following explains the fields in the Commit Line Item Picker window:

Cost Distribution Grid log columns

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023