Summary Payment Applications SOV Sheet window

Use the toolbar to expand, collapse, find, split the screen, and export records.

Note: You can use the menu bar options as an alternative and perform the same operations.


Allows you to view the Summary and the associated child rows.


Allows you to view only the Summary rows. This will be the default view.


Allows you to search the Summary Payment Applications SOV sheet for specific line items. Find will be based on the columns and will have fields of Column, Value, and Search.


Allows you to split the sheet into two sections.


Allows you to export the entire summary sheet along with the costed lines (the line item summary and the associated costed line items). The generated CSV is for information purposes only.

Summary Payment Applications SOV sheet structure (columns)

The columns in the Summary Payment Applications SOV sheet window are based on the SOV structure. The following is a list of the default columns:

To modify the columns, click File > Properties, to open the Properties window, and then click the Options tab.

Note: The CBS Code and CBS Item fields are read-only and the values are based on the Cost Sheet.

The rows display the summary lines and the associated child rows, within the summary lines.

The grid displays the summary rows (Detail line item) with cost distributed rows, and the child cost rows within a Detail line item appears under the row and indented. All the fields are read-only and the currency is displayed on the right upper-corner of the grid.

The grid also has a Total field, which appears at the bottom of the sheet, that displays the sum of all the lines.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023