CSV Integration

You can use a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file to save Cost Allocation data for Base Commit and Change Commit of Summary Payment Application SOV type.

The Payment Application of Summary Payment Application SOV type supports Record, Line Item, and Cost Allocation creation through CSV integration.

If the payment line items have already been added in the Standard tab, then importing of the line items through CSV is not permitted.

The "CA" (Cost Allocation) row, in the CSV file, includes the following information about Cost Allocation.

Multiple Cost Allocation Line Items can be added to the CSV file by way of multiple CA rows.

If your CSV template contains Cost Allocation details, but the design does not permit entering the Cost breakdown information (i.e., the option of Allow Cost Breakdown is unchecked), then importing the CSV file will fail and you will receive an error message.

Creating Lump Sum and entering Unit Cost details

The "D" row, in the CSV file, includes the information about Summary Line Item. If the Cost Line Item type is Unit Cost type, then you must enter the Unit Cost in the D row.

Based on the Cost Line Item type specified in the "D" row, the system will check for the presence of required fields for the specified Cost Line Item type.

Change Commit: Adding Line Items to modify committed lines

The CSV template contains a "Reference" field that you can use for adding lines that have already been committed from a reference commit. The system uses the value in the "Reference" field to select a specific row in the committed lines (SOV).

Note: The availability of the "Reference” field depends on the design set in uDesigner. If this field is not present in the Detail Form integration interface, then modification of committed lines cannot take place.

The Costed Line Item of the Summary Line Item that needs to be updated will be identified by the value in the "Reference" field and the Cost Code. The "Reference" column label is the label set for "sovlinum" and will appear after the CA column.

After the record creation, all the Costed Line Items belonging to the selected Line Item ( Summary Line Item and child Line Item) will be added to the record.

Payment Application

For Payment Application of Summary Payment Application (SPA) SOV type, the "CA" row will have the columns similar to the details row.

Unit Cost

The following additional informational texts are displayed in the exported CSV template:

Enter the unit cost value either at "D" or "CA" row but not in both rows. Variable

You can enter the unit cost value either in the "D" row or in the "CA" row but not both. You can create the variable unit cost lines by entering the unit cost in the "CA" row.

Importing the Lump Sum or Unit Cost line items remains as is. The Unit Cost, in the "CA" row is ignored even if the Unit Cost column is seen in the "CA" row, and the cost line item type selected is Lump Sum or Unit Cost.

When importing the line items for Lump Sum and Fixed Unit Cost line items, if the "CA" row has values (based on the cost line item type mentioned in "D" row) Unifier will check the presence of the required fields.

You can create both the Base Commit and the Change Commit records with the variable unit cost line items. The "CA" row is populated with the variable rates for the Unit Cost column.

In the "D" row (Summary), if the uuu_li_cost_type value is entered as "Variable Unit Cost," and you enter the unit cost for the "CA" rows, then the variable unit cost line items will be created with uuu_li_cost_type, as the "Unit Cost."

If you enter the unit cost value and select cost line item type as "Variable Unit Cost" at summary row "D," you will see the message: Unit Cost is not allowed on summary line for variable unit cost lines.

If the design does not permit cost breakdown (Allow Cost Breakdown is unchecked), and if the CSV Template has cost allocation details, then you will see the message: Business Process design does not allow cost allocation.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023